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Higher Global

Higher Global, spend less. A global staffing solution.

Higher Global offers global staffing solutions. Many start-ups don't have the capital to hire stateside for many of the jobs they need to be filled. By hiring globally, companies can save money, and remote employees worldwide can make comfortable wages.


The idea of the brand is to show a zoomed-out view of the world like you're looking down on it from space, able to see it all at once. It's a metaphor for being able to hire someone and work together while being anywhere in the world.

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Web Design

The Higher Global site features the ability for employees to find work, and for those looking to hire to find the right person for the job. It also has a Staff Cost Estimator to analyze your estimated savings if you choose to hire internationally.

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Logo Design

The circle in the logo represents the Earth, with a data stream traveling at light-speed around the world. Being able to work with someone on the other side of the world is like being able to see all of the Earth at once.